About Me!

Hey! I'm Aaron, an M.S. student with a primary focus on computer graphics currently situated in Los Angeles, California.

A little more background on myself, I studied computer science at California Polytechnic University Pomona and am currently attending USC for my masters. My interest are pretty varied but outside of computer science and gaming I also have a love for the miniature painting, the gym, and film.

Why Is the Layout So Basic?

Short answer: I don't do web dev.

Long answer: The purpose of this website is to simply showcase my projects and on the occasion write about stuff I find interesting (maybe). Right now theres no real need for me to start writing anything fancy when there is not a whole ton to currate. Even when I do start inevitably adding to this site, the look probably won't change because quite frankly I'm quite fond of this simple understated look.

Whats Up With the Site Name?

I really like KDM.